Wednesday 7 October 2015

Researching the Target Audience

Before having any ideas of my own and planning the production of my music video, I researched into my target audience and what they like in a music video. This information will help me later on when deciding what aspects to feature in the video.

To find out the information I required I created a questionnaire composing on the following questions and sections:

The first question I asked was what gender the participant identifies as. Their gender is not that relevant but however it is a good question to ask to get a general idea of what gender prefers what aspects. I would have preferred to add an 'other/ prefer not to disclose' option as I am aware that many people do not identify as either male or female.

Question number two was about age groups. I did not think that anyone under the age of ten was going to watch music videos such as this so I did not go into specifics like I did for the other ages. I did the same with the over sixties for the same reason. I placed ages into groups so that there are less options, however the groups are very similar in age so hopefully should have similar interests.

This question was asked so I could discover whether people actually watch music videos. The more they watch them the more interest the participant likely has in them.

I wanted to discover the most popular platform for music videos so that I can post it there. It means that it would be more accessible than say if I posted it on a site that no one uses. I also included an 'other' option so that the participant can suggest other sites or platforms that I am not aware of.

One of the most important questions is what genre of music is most popular and what my target audience would prefer to listen to. I gave a variety of genre types so it the participant is more likely to find their personal favourite. In the event that their favourite genre is not on the list I have also included an 'other' option so they can list some genres I had not thought of.

The last question was more to do with the visual aspects and the contents of the video itself. I listed a few features that are considered to be the most important features and asked the participants to pick one. Before giving them the questionnaire I did state that they could also pick a second one if they wished but to emphasis which one they consider to be the most important. An 'other' option was used so the participants could list some more features they found important that I had previously not thought of. 

To sum up the results I created an infographic to display the numbers in a neat and visually pleasing way.  In the picture it shows the results in the form of diagrams and is accompanied with text explain the results and what I would do with the information.  

(Made using

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