Monday 12 October 2015

Analysing Taylor Swift's Website

Taylor Swift's official website is under the name which makes her site easier to find and to search for. When first clicking on the page, you are greeted with the most recent advertisement. In this case it advertises the '1989' using the album artwork as well as a direct link to iTunes where the album can be purchased. This image promoting the advert is on a rotating loop that also advertises and directs the reader to her recent music video 'Wildest Dreams' and to a link for a her upcoming show dates. All items are promoted using their retrospective artwork so that the reader can create an association which helps with marketing her products. The rotating adverts can be selected using three dots at the bottom of the section, shown in the picture below.

Below this section there is a photo gallery feature that just like the previous section, alternates on a loop. The uses of arrows on both the left and right are used to navigate through the image selection which can be seen in the picture below. When clicking the section it brings you to the 'media' section. There is an archive of videos and photos from old albums and new. Some are professional taken but some are photos and videos from Taylor's Instagram and Twitter. By adding this feature it shows Taylor Swift in all aspects of her life. It creates a bond between her and her fans, making them feel for her. This promotes her fans to buy and share Taylor Swift's products.

The next section features a 'news' sections where all Taylor Swift's recent events are documented in short bulletins such as "Taylor has 50 Million followers on instagram and is the most followed individual user on the platform." After each bulletin it has a 'read more' button which links the reader to the 'news' page. It creates an interest in Taylor Swift herself, and therefore her products.

The footer of the page features links to legal information such as 'Terms of Service', 'WU Privacy Policy' and credits to the designers who designed the website. At the bottom of the section there are a series of icons that link to Taylor Swift's social media. The symbols are associated with particular social media companies and therefore do not need to be labeled.

At the very top of the page it includes links to all the pages previously mentioned as well as a link to join the mailing list. It is a small but neat section which helps the reader navigate the site with ease. When hovering over the buttons a neon line crossing out the word appears. It links with the aesthetic of the title and the pink accents shown throughout the rest of the site.

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