Tuesday 13 October 2015

Analysing Daughter's Website

The website for Daughter is found under the URL ohdaughter.com. Despite it not being their band name it is a name they commonly use for social media. When first clicking on the site the reader is brought to the home page. This page features a slide show of images that fill the screen and are on repeat. These images are pictures of the band and additional band artwork. It gives the home page a personal feel as you can see the band members in their element - playing instruments and making music. The images seem to have a grainy feel that is associated with polaroid and older images. It creates a homely tone as if the images are family photos. It gives it a personal feel that imply that the band's focus is purely on music and not their image.

Around the gallery slide shown is a white border. Additional information is found in this area such as credits to the photographer who took the home page photos, links to their social media and submission area for an official mailing list.

The links to Daughter's social media accounts are in the form of black initials that represent the following sites:


Social media accounts are uses to share important information such as song releases and gig dates but are also used to create an interest in the band. You can see different aspects of them that show them as humans. It gives the opportunity to create a bond with the band which promotes interest in the band and their products. 

Links that direct the reader to other pages on the website can be found by clicking a symbol on the right hand side of the page as shown on the left hand side of this post. In clicking this button a transparent page appears over the home page which lists all available pages. These pages include; the home page, news, store, live, releases, video, people and the 'freespace' page. When hovering over the page buttons the text changes colour and a circle appears on each end of the word. The circles are a signature image of Daughter and is a feature they even use in their logo. The words also change to colours such as blues, reds and greens. It is used as a way of highlighting which title is about to be clicked.

All legal information is found under the 'people' title and it includes information about the record label, management and licensing, booking companies for each country, publisher and press. 
The 'freespace' is a section that includes free to use videos and music for people who want to create remixes or video edits.
In the 'releases' section it lists all songs, EPs and albums that have been released by Daughter. It uses the album artwork to identify each album and when the reader clicks it information on the album appear including links to where it can be listened to. Typically it opens up iTunes when the reader clicks on the 'mp3' title and if they click 'stream' it opens up Spotify in another tab.
The 'video' section lists a select number of music videos and live performances. Thumbnails of the videos are used to identify each video and in the corner of each picture a play button is found in the shape of a diamond. When playing the video through the site there is also a button at the bottom of the page that links to youtube. 
Under the 'live' section, all upcoming tours and gigs are listed and additionally there are links to where you can buy tickets. The section is rather bland and has no images or illustrations as it gives more room for information. 

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