Tuesday 13 October 2015

Analysing Bastille's Website

Bastille's offical website is found under the name of bastillebastille.com. Unlike Taylor Swift's website, it is harder to find due to their name being duplicated in the website URL. When the site is first opened it shows the main page. It seemingly has a completely black background however when the mouse is hovered over the background the image of hands forming the band's signature triangle appears where the cursor is. The the centre of the page is the band's name and logo to identify the site as theirs.

At the bottom of the page there is a header that has direct links to other pages on the website. This includes links to; the home page, the live section, videos, music, Instagram, the official mailing list and to the store. The buttons are in the same font as the title and logo to continue the aesthetic. When hovering over the buttons they are highlighted in white to identify which one you are about to press. The page you that the reader is on is permanently highlighted to show the reader what page they are on.

In the top right corner there are symbols that link to the band's social media profiles. The icons are representative of the official logos of the social media companies so therefore and identifiable by most people without the use of labels. They are also in black and white to continue with the website's theme.

In the top left corner there are four buttons that link to different albums on the Bastille Spotify page. It features the album artwork of the three Bastille albums including two versions of the 'Bad Blood' album and the 'VS' album. There is also a green button with the Spotify logo which says 'Follow'. It is an easy and direct way for fans to follow the band on Spotify and listen to their music.

Lastly in the bottom left corner is the legal information. It only features three pieces of information which includes the Universal Music Privacy Policy, Universal Music Terms and Conditions and lastly the Virgin EMI copyright.  This information is a legal requirement for the site so therefore it needs to be placed on the website somewhere.

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