Wednesday 2 March 2016

Reconnaissance of Potential Locations

Potential Locations for the Outdoor Scenes:

  • Cooks Field - Cooks field is part of the school grounds as well as a public footpath.There is a lot of green space that is undisturbed. The actress will have to run in the video so it was essential that there was a lot of space. In addition to this, there are many long and establishing shots. It is important that there are no buildings or other features within the shot. Nonetheless, in some parts of Cooks field, there are football nets that could obstruct the picturesque view.  However with careful framing, these could be hidden. It is very likely that I would choose this field as it is the most convenient to film. It means the everything can be filmed during a school day which is convenient for the actress. As it is part of the schools property it will also be easier to get permission to film there.  
  • Moatfield Park - The Moatfield is a field that is near me, so it would be convenient for me to use it. However as it is a public place I would need to be careful not to get people in the shot. Like Cooks field, there is also a lot of man-made features such park equipment and football nets. They take up a lot of space which will cause a problem when filming. It is very unlikely that I will choose this location for filming despite the convenience of it being nearby.
  • King George's Park - Like the Moatfield, King George's is a convenient place to film as it is also nearby. There is a lot more land at King George's compared to the Moatfield but again as it is a public place there is the chance of accidentally getting members of the public in the shot. It will be harder to film here due to obstructions. 
  • Aldenham Country Park - After visiting I found Aldenham Country Park to be the most impressive place for filming. The reservoir and the forests made for some interesting shots. During the winter, it is not very busy so there is not going to many obstructions. It is also convenient because it is near. 

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