Wednesday 2 March 2016

Ideas for the Advertisement

After analysing various advertisements and Daughter photographs I started to plan my own album advertisement. From the research I did I knew that I needed to include features such as Elena's face (or in this case, the actor who plays Elena), the name of the band, the name of the album, the release date, the name of the number one single that features on the album and possibly even what platforms the album will be released on such as iTunes and Google Play.

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An important feature of adverts is the link to the album. Most adverts use photos from the same photoshoot as the album cover photoshoot. It creates a strong link between the album and advert. In some cases, the picture becomes an iconic image which people imagine when they think of the band. When I create my own advert I plan to use the same image as the album cover. The association between images helps with advertising, as the audience automatically know what is being advertised. The image used on the album cover has been cropped to fit the digipack. For the advertisement, one idea is that I can use the full picture. The advertisement is meant to be for a magazine so it should be around the size of an A4 portrait piece of paper. Another idea is to use the cropped image and then create a black box around it where I would put all of the text. This is an idea used in the Florence and the Machine advert for the album 'Lungs'. I like this idea the most as it also links to the colour scheme of my digipack which is black, white and grey. It creates a strong sense of continuity which I something I aim for.

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For the text I want to use the same font as the digipack which is Mono Lt. I also wish to use dots at the beginning and end of the band's name as well as the line underneath it. It is what I have done in both my digipack and my music video so I would like to keep up with the image. In all of my products, the name of the band has been above the name of the song and in a bigger font. For my advertisement, I intend to continue this idea by put the bands name at the top and put the album name in the middle. The text underneath will be smaller but centred just like the rest of the text. Another idea is to put both the name of the band and the name of the song together in the middle. This is like the album poster for Ellie Goulding's 'Lights'. However, it is important that the bands name is above the name of the album regardless of where they are both placed.

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Everything I have worked on so far has had a black and white colour scheme. To create a sense of continuity, I want to continue with this theme. This can be done through the image used but also by the text and any additional features added. Most album posters use colour, however I feel it would suit my product better to use black and white. If I were to use colour I would use muted colours. Daughter's products often are muted as it matches the style of their music. The album poster for Daughter's "If You Leave" is an example of this. The pale colours link to the naturalistic visuals. If I were to use this idea, I would use colour in the photo and use black and white for the text.

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