Thursday 20 August 2015

Conventions of a Pop Music Video

Pop music, or "popular music" is the most common type of music video. Though the genre does share a lot of its conventions there are some key conventions that separate the genre from other genres. Though some camera work and mise en scene depend on the tone of the music, pop music is usually upbeat so follow these conventions:

Camera work:

  • Close up shots - This brings focus on the lip syncing which is an important aspect of the song.
  • Long shots/ Establishing shots - These types of shot feature the surroundings of the artist/band. It also shows more of what the artist/band are wearing which usually is stereotypical of the genre.
  • Tracking - This shot is frequently used for all genres. For music videos it is used to follow the artist and emphasise they are the main singer.
Mise en Scene:
  • High key lighting - Bright lighting is used to emphasise the upbeat nature of genre and give an image of a happy party atmosphere.
  • Colourful - The use of bright and neon colours put emphasis on the cheery atmosphere.
  • Clothing - Fashionable and sometimes even branded clothing is used to highlight the popularity and that is is mainstream.
  • Location - Most pop songs follow a narrative so the locations depend on the story however the convention is that they are in party atmospheres like clubs or house parties.
  • Colour correcting - The video is usually brightened to make the artist/band look like they have less imperfections.
  • Jump cuts- This type of editing is used to seperate one scene from another using natural looking editing. 

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