Thursday 20 August 2015

Conventions of Indie/Alternative Rock Music Videos

Indie and alternative rock are increasingly popular genres due to the rise in independent artists and the success of some previously lesser know artists. The music videos for these genres usually have more emphasise on the meaning behind the lyrics so the focus of the video can be quite artistic and metaphorical. Due to this indie/alternative rock music videos have a branch of different conventions:

  • Mid-shots - This shot shows not only the artist/actor's face but also their environment and actions. Mid-shots are more likely to be used in this genre of music because it emphasises the importance of the mise en scene and how it links to the song as well as showing the emotion of the artist/actor.
  • Close up - Like most genres close ups are frequently used to show lip syncing. It is important in this genre to show the expression linked with the lyrics.
  • Hand-held - Using a hand-held camera gives the music video a more natural look as well as giving the impression of chaos in particular music videos.

Mise en Scene:
  • Low key lighting - This genre often approaches more darker themes so low key lighting is used to highlight this.
  • more likely to have scenes of performances instruments are a key prop in these types of music videos.
  • Colours - Red, black and white are often used as they are strong contrasting colours. Black and red signifies danger whilst white signifies purity and innocence. The two ideas contrast making them interesting colours to use.
  • Locations - Dark and derelict locations make a frequent appearance in these types of music videos.
  • Jump cuts - These type of music videos tend to feature different scenes so jump cuts are used to flick between them.
  • Special effects - Though special effects are not a common feature of music videos, they are more likely to feature in music videos of these genres. An example of this is in "Car Radio" by Twenty One Pilots where it shows a 'glitch' effect. 

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